Stronger together - FREE eBooks for those in difficulty.

Posted by Fahrenheit Press on

Hola Fahrenhistas,

We totally understand that buying books and supporting indie publishers might not be at the top of everyone's to do list at the moment and that for many their financial situation is going to be difficult and unstable during the period of the corona virus crisis.  

We understand that spending money on books is one of those things that might not feel like a priority just at the minute.

We also understand though that disappearing into a good book can be a much needed distraction when times get tough.

It's our belief though that access to funds shouldn't be a barrier to the relief and positive mental health benefits that reading can offer at times of stress.

To that end we've decided to give away a different FREE eBook every day to anyone who can't afford to buy books during this crisis.

No strings, no small print - if you can't afford to buy a book from us we'll give you one for free.

We kicked off the scheme on Thursday 19th March with Rubicon by Ian Patrick.

Our next free book for those of you experiencing financial difficulty will be OF BLONDES AND BULLETS by MICHAEL YOUNG 

This scheme will run on an honour system - we trust that if you can afford to continue to support us by buying our books during this crisis you will - if you can't, this one's on us...

We're stronger together and at times like these we've gotta look after each other - we gotta do whatever we can to help each other out - now more than ever we all need to remember that what goes around comes around.

Sending love from The Fahrenheit Bunker,

Stay safe.



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