Project Prometheus : Matthew X. Gomez

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"Think William Gibson and Raymond Chandler in a blender with a splash of Phillip K Dick. Served ice cold and razor sharp." - Derek Farrell author of Death At Dukes Halt.

Available in eBook, Paperback & Limited Edition Hardback

Tom Costigan is a washed-out mercenary, stuck cleaning dishes for a hole-in-the-wall bar despite his chrome arm and the computer in his head. While having a smoke break in the alley out back, he's approached by a former comrade. His former commander is putting the old team back together for a big corporate heist.

Tom isn't big on asking questions, and the money's attractive enough to make him jump for it. But when the hand-off to the buyers goes south and the bullets start to fly, Tom finds himself with a sealed container and the payout.

But the payout is encrypted, and he doesn't know what's in the container.

Even with the help of his hacker sister, will Tom be able to stay ahead of his former comrades, the buyers, and the people they stole from and why is everyone willing to kill for what looks like a bunch of silver goop? 

Praise for Matthew X. Gomez

“Gave me a sense of Gomez truly starting to let himself off the leash, his own voice crystalizing into something special.”

“Matthew X Gomez’s literary heart and soul is in good ol’ fashioned rollicking pulp fiction, and his aptitude, craftsmanship/artistry, and infectious enthusiasm for the form are all on full display.”

“Gomez’s gifts as a writer deserve wider acclaim… an author worthy of your attention.”

“Reminiscent of Jim Butcher on steroids.”

“Gomez shines in his economical establishing of setting and genre, his heart-pumping, and vivid, action scenes, and his snappy dialog that can only be described as cool”

“His is worth the price of this admission alone. You can get crappy Taco Bell burritos that cost more than this book, and unlike this book, you'll regret that waste of cash and wish to God Almighty that you'd just listened to me, slapped a bunch of ramen in the pot, and spent your money on this instead.”

About the author

Matthew X. Gomez has been published in Pulp Modern, Kzine, Econoclash Review, and Grimdark. He was one of the two coeditors of the cult New Pulp magazine Broadswords and Blasters. He released his first collection of fiction "God in Black Iron and Other Stories" in 2020. He currently resides in Maryland with his wife, two children, and three cats. He has the extremely futuristic job of sitting at a computer and staring at spreadsheets most of the day.

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