Deer Shoots Man (then steals his cigarettes) : Tyler Knight

Deer Shoots Man (then steals his cigarettes) : Tyler Knight

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It’s a much over-used phrase, but this book by Tyler Knight really is one of the most extraordinary debuts we’ve ever published.

Set in a near future Los Angeles, jobbing cage fighter and man about town, DeShawn Trustfall finds himself in a high-octane chase to track down the genetic code that could cure a disease that threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, including himself and his son.

Set against a background of a global pandemic, a corrupt government pushing a cure for its own self-interest, genetically altered CRISPR babies and civil unrest in the streets you could be forgiven for thinking the author Tyler Knight is part writer, part Nostradamus.

The writing in this book is razor sharp and the flights of tech/cyber creative inventiveness are right up there with the very best authors in the genre and as if all that wasn’t enough, Tyler Knight writes noir like he was born to it…

“One more night, I’d shoot you in the face.”

“One more night, I’d load your gun.”

We laugh... Sort of.

She nods.

Watching a woman fall out of love with you within the space of a single conversation is to observe her shape-shift in real time to a three-dimensional memory of what you used to have. The person you're observing now looks like her but it’s not. She's gone. This is someone different.

If Fahrenheit noir-ninja Matt Phillips was sharing a bottle of Bourbon with Chuck Palahniuk and their mate William Gibson dropped by with his Oculus Rift™ the result would be something like Deer Shoots Man. Don’t miss this. It’s a game-changer.


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